Friday, February 8, 2013

Body Beautiful; Even in the Dead of Winter, We’ll Put a Smile on Your Lips!

Even in the Dead of Winter, We’ll Put a Smile on Your Lips

 In the dark days of winter, doing something to make yourself feel more attractive can lift your spirits.  This is especially true if it’s something that you’ve always wanted, but never had the nerve, to change.  For example, you may dislike your thinning lips, but fear that gels or implants will make them appear bloated and unnatural. 

 If that’s the case, forget those worries.  Our Perma Facial Implants™ are amazingly natural-looking; and they’ll never degrade or rupture!  Available in a full range of sizes, with tapered ends, they’ll conform to lip contours; and they can be replaced or removed at any time.

 So, come pay us a visit, and, even in the dead of winter, you’ll have a reason to smile!

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Body Beautiful; For Winter’s Woes, Victory is at Hand!


              For Winter’s Woes, Victory is at Hand

The wicked winter weather is very efficient at wreaking havoc on your skin.  Its attacks are difficult to counter, too, because the elements can ambush you from all sides.  Therefore, as you focus on saving one area, another one takes a hit. 
 For example, after putting intense effort into protecting your face, you may suddenly realize that your hands have been devastated.  This is quite disheartening, because nothing spoils a youthful appearance faster than old-looking hands. 
Fortunately, we have an arsenal of treatments, including topical applications, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy, and dermal fillers, to defend your hands against winter – and the rest of their enemies! 
So, whether they have wrinkles, loose skin, bulging veins, or age spots, victory is at hand!