Monday, August 31, 2015

Body Beautiful: We'll Put an End to Your Acne Problems

                                                                  We'll Put an End to Your Acne Problems

Acne is generally considered to be a problem for teenagers. However, millions of adults suffer from the severe, chronic type, which can be permanent, and even cause scarring.  

If continual break-outs are plaguing you, call us. Our arsenal of procedures, which include lasers, chemical peels, pulsed-light therapy, pore-cleansing facials, and collagen fillers, can eradicate acne, and its scars.  

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No Need to Hide Any Longer!

The alarm goes off, you hop out of bed, brush your teeth and wash your face, and you are ready to seize the day, right? But, when you look at yourself in the mirror, you notice those pesky sun marks and wrinkles that cause insecurities and make you want to hide inside. If this sounds like part of your daily regimen, it may be time to come in and try our newest technology, micro needling “pens”. The Micro Needling SkinPen helps improve overall skin complexion by using 12 needles that poke hundreds of holes to stimulate the skin’s natural healing process and help tighten skin, repair any unlikely scars, wrinkles and marks on your face.

Micro Needling has been around for a long time, but has become recently popular in the past few years. The Micro Needling SkinPen is the newest technology offered by Body Beautiful, and so far, is generating great results. Since the treatment is based on the skin’s natural ability to heal, it makes precision, controlled damages to the skin, which causes a healing process and increase in new collagen and elastin; in short, you will get a new, younger-looking layer of skin!  This treatment only takes about 30 minutes and is typically done in a series of 3-6 sessions, depending on what is being treated.

There is little to no downtime and ladies - make-up is allowed after only 3 days!  Most people will see results immediately, but it will take 2-3 weeks for cell turn-over and fully heal underneath the skin. So, seize the day the right way and make sure to stop into Body Beautiful Medical Spa and start the Micro Needling SkinPen procedure!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Body Beautiful: Make Lashes Lush, Without Fuss, Muss, or Brush

                                                     Make Lashes Lush Without Fuss, Muss, or Brush

Most women find doing their eyes the most time-consuming part of their make-up routines. Indeed, it’s difficult to get the look just right; and it's all the more tedious and frustrating for those who have sparse or thinning lashes, especially when even mascara doesn't do the trick. 

If you're struggling with this problem, Latisse may be the answer. In just a few weeks, this remarkable treatment can help you grow lashes that are so much longer, stronger, thicker, fuller, and darker, that you won't believe your eyes! 

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