Thursday, January 12, 2012

Say Toodle-oo to Your Tattoo

    Say Toodle-oo to Your Tattoo

 Although it’s virtually impossible to start the new year with a completely clean slate, you certainly can wipe out a good number of your past errors, including your tattoos!
Among the most-regretted missteps that people make, tattoos are generally regarded as being permanent, as the various methods of getting rid of them have always been quite painful and ineffective. 
Now, however, we offer photodisruptive technology, one of the newest, and most effective, techniques for removing tattoos.  In this procedure, a microscopic explosion occurs beneath the skin, leaving the ink in tiny particles that are dispersed naturally, disappearing in much the same way as does a bruise.    
So, if your mistake is inked on your skin, come on in, and let the erasing begin

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